Laughing for Literacy: Funniest in the 505 Baby with fake mustache

Why the clown donate his salary? It was a nice jester.

After 2020, we think everyone could benefit from a little funny fun. That's one of the reasons we are hosting our first-ever, virtual joke telling fundraiser! We've gathered a few local business and community leaders as well as budding comedians for a jocular joust of sorts. We need YOUR help determining who will win the title of Funniest in the 505! (Cue the Rocky music.)


How does it work?

It works when YOU get involved! Starting July 25th, videos featuring our intrepid humorists will be posted on this page for your consideration. Once you’ve checked them out, vote with your donation – and every dollar counts! A $10 donation equals 10 votes. A $25 donation equals 25 votes, and so on.

And unlike regular voting, you can vote more than once. We’ll update this page daily to show number of votes each joke teller has earned. So, if you vote on Monday but on Wednesday discover that your favorite is behind, you can vote again!

We also encourage you to vote often to make sure YOUR jokester wins. (You know, pretend it’s jazz-age Chicago.)


Voting runs through 5:00 pm on Saturday, July 31st. We’ll announce the winner on August 5th via Facebook Live.


May the biggest joker win!

Help us meet our goal of raising $1,000 through voting! Your votes empower adults!


Vote for your favorite Joke Teller now!

Votes as of 8:30 am Saturday, July 31st.